Author: John Francis

Where is Your Franchise Organization’s Life Jacket?

John Francis on Aug 16, 2022 7:00:00 AM Franchisors, Franchising Help

Now that summer is upon us, I’ve been spending more time on boats and around the water. Here in Minnesota (as in most places), we’re required to have life preservers on board to comply with the state’s boating laws. Not only does everyone need access to a wearable life jacket of their own, but the boat must have a throwable life preserver in a location that is easy to access in an emergency. This means it can’t be tucked away in a cabinet somewhere, but must be out in the open where it can be grabbed at a moment’s notice.

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Mastermind Groups: What They Are and How They Can Help You

John Francis on Jul 19, 2022 7:00:00 AM Franchisors, Franchising Help

When was the last time you had a problem - but you didn’t know who to talk to about it? Sometimes things come up - BIG things - that weigh heavy, but you don’t know who to turn to for advice. 

Join My ZorForum Mastermind Group

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Why an Advisory Board is Well Worth the Investment

John Francis on Jun 14, 2022 7:00:00 AM Advisory Boards

Does your franchise company have an advisory board? 

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A Simple Way to Avoid Failure as a Franchisor

John Francis on May 17, 2022 7:00:00 AM Franchisors, Franchising Help

Are you doing everything you can to avoid failure in building your franchise system? 

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The Hidden Value of Buying a Franchise

John Francis on Apr 12, 2022 5:17:00 AM Franchisees, Franchise Consulting

Has shopping for a new franchise opportunity ever given you sticker shock? Especially for owners who are new to franchising - the upfront costs associated with the investment might seem high. After all, the fees are typically much higher than what you’d pay to start your own independent business.

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How a Mastermind Group Changed My Life

John Francis on Mar 15, 2022 8:00:00 AM Franchisors, Franchising Help

Looking back on my decades of experience in the franchise industry, I believe there is one thing that contributed to my success more than anything else: my participation in a business owners’ mastermind group.

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Countdown to the 2022 IFA Convention (We’re Back!)

John Francis on Feb 8, 2022 8:00:00 AM Franchise Conferences

Get ready…the in-person IFA Convention is finally back!

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I’m The Lucky One: A Tribute to My Parents

My mother, Flo Francis, passed away last month in December 2021 after a long battle with ovarian cancer. She was a wonderful woman who did a lot with her life - and who experienced a tremendous amount of success in her 85 years.

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3 Stories of Being a Franchise Dad

John Francis on Dec 14, 2021 8:00:00 AM Franchise Consulting

I’m a lucky dad of two great daughters, who growing up, have had a front-row seat to much of my work in the franchise industry. As children do, they absorb a lot, so they really “got” some of the key concepts around franchising and business ownership and management early - we even turned some of it into a game!

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How to Create a Succession Plan for Your Business

Do you have a succession plan in place for your business?

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About the Franchise Expert


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John Francis is an enthusiastic, engaging business advisor, and an entertaining public speaker for franchise brands because he speaks from experience and he speaks from the heart. Franchising is in his blood, and his parents were true pioneers in the industry, turning their family haircutting business into a 1,000-salon franchise empire. He has been a franchisee and a franchisor, and has a deep understanding of the issues both face. Engage John as an advisor or to speak at your event, and you and your franchisees will learn how to look at your business in new, positive, and profitable ways.

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