Are you afraid to talk about your failures? Most of us are - but whether in business or in life, that’s how you learn and grow!
Do You Know What’s Coming Next?
It’s an important question for franchisees who are trying to grow a business. After all, knowing where you are going is how you plan and grow!
“Johnny Franchise” is growing and expanding…I can do more
I love what I do - helping people get franchising right! And I want to do more! Those of you who know me, know that I’ve been a “reluctant consultant” in franchising for years, I like my work in speaking, coaching, and serving on boards...It's time now for me to grow my work and I’m building a system to scale and be more available. I'm working to expand my reach and positive impact to more people and franchise brands. I am becoming somewhat “less reluctant”, and focusing to be more educational, practical, and valuable. I am NOT matching buyers with franchise opportunities, rather, I am “Helping franchisors and franchisees reduce risks and improve results with levelheaded expertise”, that’s my new elevator pitch - what do you think?