Johnny Franchise Blog

How a Board of Advisors Can Enhance your Credibility as a Franchisor

John Francis on Aug 14, 2017 1:00:18 AM Advisory Boards, Franchising Help


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The Discipline of Preparation

John Francis on Jul 15, 2017 7:38:12 AM Advisory Boards, Franchising Help

This is Part 1 of an 8 Part series that dives into the eight key benefits of having an advisory board and how it can help you, the business owner, achieve greater levels of success.  

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5 Growth Benefits For The Franchisee

John Francis on Jun 11, 2017 2:00:07 PM Franchise Planning, Franchisees

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Spend Your Time Not Your Money: How to Get More Value From Your Franchisor

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Fixing the Flat: How to Enhance the Performance of Your Franchise

John Francis on Mar 26, 2017 4:00:36 AM Franchisees, Franchisors, Franchising Help

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Want to Achieve Long-Term Results? It Starts With Three Simple Words

John Francis on Mar 6, 2017 9:25:17 PM Franchise Planning, Advisory Boards

Responsibility. Authority. Accountability.

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The Importance of Planning in a Franchise Environment

If your planning strategy mirrors many franchise organizations, you probably completed the majority of your annual planning before the year even began - hopefully with enough detail and accountability to ensure it’s implemented effectively. And while much of the planning I’m involved in through my Board work is at the franchisor level, it’s just as important for smaller franchisees to plan, too. In fact, the yearly planning process can provide a unique opportunity for franchisees and franchisors to collaborate and create a planning process together. When I was with Cost Cutters and City Looks, for example, we included a support team from the corporate office that would sit down with the owners and review their business information. Together, they’d review each unit to find out the following:

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An Attitude of Gratitude

John Francis on Dec 19, 2016 11:07:36 PM Franchisees, Franchising Help

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Creating a Plan for Profit

John Francis on Nov 21, 2016 1:18:36 PM Franchise Planning, Franchisees


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The Decision to “Unboard”: When and How to Do it

John Francis on Oct 23, 2016 7:00:11 PM Advisory Boards, Board of Directors

From disaster planning to maintaining accountability, there are a number of great reasons why every serious (franchise) company should have a board. But sometimes, despite the best intentions of a company, the board simply isn’t creating the value for the organization that it expects. Whether it’s a lack of time on behalf of the business owner, or irreconcilable differences among its members, there may be only one option that makes sense for everyone involved. It’s an option I like to call “unboarding.”

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About the Franchise Expert


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John Francis is an enthusiastic, engaging business advisor, and an entertaining public speaker for franchise brands because he speaks from experience and he speaks from the heart. Franchising is in his blood, and his parents were true pioneers in the industry, turning their family haircutting business into a 1,000-salon franchise empire. He has been a franchisee and a franchisor, and has a deep understanding of the issues both face. Engage John as an advisor or to speak at your event, and you and your franchisees will learn how to look at your business in new, positive, and profitable ways.

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