Johnny Franchise Blog

Expand Your Business by Franchising

Are you an entrepreneur with a business you are ready to expand? Looking for different strategies and approaches that might be worth consideration. Have you thought about franchising?

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Who has the power in a franchise brand?

John Francis on May 25, 2023 9:45:00 AM

Who has the power in a franchise brand?

I have learned a fundamental truth throughout my years working with various franchise brands in different countries: he who establishes a strong relationship with the franchisee holds the most power within the brand. Let's look at how to establish a meaningful relationship between franchisees and franchisors to build and maintain success. 

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Hard Conversations & The Value of Real Advice

John Francis on Apr 11, 2023 11:54:00 AM Franchisors, Franchise Consulting

Hard Conversations & The Value of Real Advice

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Things I Heard at IFA 2023

John Francis on Mar 8, 2023 9:30:00 AM Franchise Conferences

Things I Heard at IFA 2023

I just got back from this year’s IFA Annual Conference in Las Vegas. The conference was a blast, with a record-breaking attendance of 4,200+ people and 300+ exhibitors!

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2023 International Franchise Association Convention SEE YOU THERE!

John Francis on Feb 12, 2023 10:24:41 AM Franchise Conferences

The International Franchise Association has its annual conference scheduled for February 26th to March 1st of this year. The IFA Annual Convention is “the Super Bowl of franchising.” Every big player in the franchising world will be there. Over the years, I have learned a ton and met many great people at this conference. I hope you’ll decide to join me in attending!

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New Year, New Initiatives: Try Something NEW In 2023

John Francis on Jan 11, 2023 9:45:00 AM Blog

As we start 2023, I am very optimistic about recent trends in franchising as I talk with my franchisor clients, friends and colleagues. People are feeling good, innovation and new ideas continue, deals are getting done, businesses are hiring, contracts are getting signed, and franchise fees and royalties are being paid. From my standpoint, people are feeling good, and things are looking up! 

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As 2022 comes to an end, things are better THANK YOU!

John Francis on Dec 13, 2022 10:45:00 AM Insider

As we enter December, it’s a good time to reflect on the year and feel grateful for all we’ve experienced as we look forward to the opportunities ahead next year; I’m optimistic!

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"New & Improved" Top 10 Tips For Franchisees

John Francis on Nov 15, 2022 8:30:00 AM Franchisees, Franchising Help, Blog

Whether you’re a new franchisee who just joined a brand and purchased your first unit or an established multi-unit franchisee with decades of experience, you likely always look for ways to improve your business. 

The first version of these 10 tips were written approximately seven years ago. So, what’s changed? Not much - these tips are timeless and apply to all franchisees regardless of experience! Most of these cost nothing or very little, and they’re pretty simple to implement. However, a few require a little initiative, courage, and ambition to put into practice...

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Franchise Industry Conferences - Which Should I Attend?

John Francis on Oct 11, 2022 8:30:00 AM Franchise Conferences

One of the best things that I have done to grow my franchising career is to attend industry conferences. Being able to engage with other franchise professionals, hear their insights, and offer ideas is a rewarding and fruitful way to become a better franchisor, franchisee and supplier - any franchise professional can benefit from building relationships at these events!

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3 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up a Board of Advisors

John Francis on Sep 20, 2022 7:00:00 AM Advisory Boards, Franchisors

I’ve talked a lot about the benefits of setting up a board of advisors for a business. As I mentioned last month, I believe it provides the life jacket your business needs to be successful! 

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About the Franchise Expert


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John Francis is an enthusiastic, engaging business advisor, and an entertaining public speaker for franchise brands because he speaks from experience and he speaks from the heart. Franchising is in his blood, and his parents were true pioneers in the industry, turning their family haircutting business into a 1,000-salon franchise empire. He has been a franchisee and a franchisor, and has a deep understanding of the issues both face. Engage John as an advisor or to speak at your event, and you and your franchisees will learn how to look at your business in new, positive, and profitable ways.

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